Device Updated
The Device Updated event is triggered anytime a property of the device changes, such as the push token or a customer trait.
Table Schema
Device Updated events are stored in BigQuery in the device_update
table. The following is a detailed description of each column in the table grouped by data model.
Properties of the Device Updated event.
Column | Description |
event.timestamp | A UNIX timestamp (seconds since January 1st, 1970 at UTC) indicating the time the event occurred. |
event.attributes.timestamp | Deprecated Use the event.timestamp column instead. |
The device that triggered the event.
Column | Description |
---|---| | A unique device identifier. On iOS this is the value returned from UIDevice.identifierForVendor. On Android this is a UUID generated by the Rover SDK. |
device.token | The token used by APNS or FCM/GCM to sent notifications to the device. |
device.locale_lang | The language portion of device’s current locale as set in the device’s system settings. E.g. “en”. |
device.locale_region | The region dialect portion of device’s current locale as set in the device’s system settings. E.g. “US”. |
device.time_zone | The device’s current time zone. E.g. “America/Toronto” |
device.sdk_version | The version of the Rover SDK the device has installed. E.g. 1.6.2 |
device.platform | A value of “iOS” or “Android” indicates this event was created by a device through the Rover SDK in a native app. A value of “Web” means the event was triggered by a device through a web browser. Currently the only events that can be triggered through a web browser are experience events when viewing a mobile-web version of an experience. |
device.os_name | The name of the operating system the device is running. E.g. “iOS” |
device.os_version | The version of the operating system the device is running. E.g. 11.1.2 |
device.model | The name of the device model. E.g. “iPhone 6 Plus” |
device.manufacturer | The manufacturer of the device. E.g. “Samsung” |
device.carrier | The mobile carrier the device is currently connected to. E.g. “T-Mobile” |
device.app_identifier | The unique identifier of the app the device is running. E.g. “com.example.MyApp” |
device.background_enabled | Deprecated No longer in use. |
device.notifications_enabled | Deprecated Use device.notification_authorization instead. |
device.bluetooth_enabled | Indicates whether the device currently has Bluetooth enabled. |
device.location_monitoring_enabled | Indicates whether location monitoring is enabled. This could be turned off permanently in the system settings or by switching on airplane mode. |
device.aid | The advertising identifier associated with the device. On iOS this is the value returned from advertisingIdentifier. |
device.location.latitude | The latitude of the device’s last known location obtained from a location update. |
device.location.longitude | The longitude of the device’s last known location obtained from a location update. |
device.location.accuracy | The accuracy of the device’s last known location obtained from a location update, measured in metres. |
device.ip | The last known IP address of the device. |
device.notification_authorization | Indicates whether the device has authorized the app to display notifications. |
Deprecated The customer model and all of its columns are deprecated and no longer in use.