Notification Sent
The Notification Sent event is triggered when a message’s notification is sent to a device through APNS (for iOS devices) or FCM (for Android devices).
Table Schema
Notification Sent events are stored in BigQuery in the notification_sent
table. The following is a detailed description of each column in the table grouped by data model.
Properties of the Notification Sent event.
Column | Description |
event.timestamp | A UNIX timestamp (seconds since January 1st, 1970 at UTC) indicating the time the event occurred. |
event.triggered_event_id | Deprecated No longer in use. |
The individual message/notification that was sent to the user.
Column | Description |
---|---| | The messages’s ID. |
message.message_template_id | The ID of the message template the message was generated from. |
message.notification_text | The copy used for the body of the push notification. See the Apple documentation and Android documentation for more detail on how push notifications are constructed. |
message.ios_title | The copy used for the title of the push notification on iOS devices. See the Apple documentation for more detail on how push notifications are constructed. |
message.android_title | The copy used for the title of the push notification on Android devices. See the Android documentation for more detail on how push notifications are constructed. | | A boolean value indicating whether the user has read the message. |
message.viewed | Deprecated Use instead. |
message.saved_to_inbox | A boolean indicating whether the message is saved to the user’s inbox. |
message.content_type | The type of content this message drive’s the user to when the notification is swiped/tapped or the message is launched from the user’s inbox. There are five possible values: landing-page, experience, deep-link, website or custom |
message.deeplink_url | If the content type a deep-link, the value of this column will be the deep-link URL that is opened when the message’s notification is swiped/tapped or the message is launched from the inbox. |
message.website_url | If the content type is website, the value of this column will be the website URL that is opened when the message’s notification is swiped/tapped or the message is launched from the inbox. |
Message Template
The message “template” is the message that was authored in the Messages app to which the individual message/notification was generated from.
Column | Description |
---|---| | The message template’s ID. |
message_tempalte.type | Indicates whether the message is a Proximity message or a Scheduled message. The possible values are ProximityMessageTemplate or ScheduledMessageTemplate. |
message_template.title | The message template’s title. |
message_template.save_to_inbox | A boolean indicating whether the “Save to Inbox” option is enabled. |
message_template.notification_text | The copy used for the body of the push notification. See the Apple documentation and Android documentation for more detail on how push notifications are constructed. |
message_template.schedule_monday | For proximity messages only – a boolean value indicating whether this message can be triggered on Mondays. |
message_template.schedule_tuesday | For proximity messages only – a boolean value indicating whether this message can be triggered on Tuesdays. |
message_template.schedule_wednesday | For proximity messages only – a boolean value indicating whether this message can be triggered on Wednesdays. |
message_template.schedule_thursday | For proximity messages only – a boolean value indicating whether this message can be triggered on Thursdays. |
message_template.schedule_friday | For proximity messages only – a boolean value indicating whether this message can be triggered on Fridays. |
message_template.schedule_saturday | For proximity messages only – a boolean value indicating whether this message can be triggered on Saturdays. |
message_template.schedule_sunday | For proximity messages only – a boolean value indicating whether this message can be triggered on Sundays. |
message_template.content_type | The type of content this message drive’s the user to when the notification is swiped/tapped or the message is launched from the user’s inbox. There are five possible values: landing-page, experience, deep-link, website or custom |
message_template.scheduled_at | For scheduled messages only – a timestamp indicating the date and time the message should be delivered. The timestamp is in UTC although the timezone information is ignored. The timezone in which the message is sent is determined from the message_template.scheduled_local_time and message_template.scheduled_time_zone columns. |
message_template.scheduled_local_time | For scheduled messages only – a boolean indicating whether the message should be sent to users in their own time zone. E.g. if the message is scheduled to be delivered at 3:00 PM on Jan 1. and message_template. scheduled_local_time is true, then the message will be sent to each user when it is 3:00 PM in their timezone. |
message_template.scheduled_time_zone | For scheduled messages only – the time zone in which the message should be sent. E.g. if this column has a value of America/Toronto (which is EST) – and the message_template.scheduled_at column has a value of Jan 1. at 3:00 PM UTC – the message will be delivered on Jan 1. at 3:00 PM EST. |
message_template.time_schedule.start | For proximity messages only – the time in minutes since 12:00 AM at which point the message is eligible to be delivered. I.e. if a user trigger’s a valid proximity event before this time, the message will not be delivered. A value of 0 means there is no minimum start time before the message becomes eligible to be sent. A value of 480, for example, means the message is not eligible to be sent before 8:00 AM (8 hours * 60 minutes = 480). |
message_template.time_schedule.end | For proximity messages only – the time in minutes since 12:00 AM at which point the message is no longer eligible to be delivered. I.e. if a user trigger’s a valid proximity event after this time, the message will not be delivered. A value of 1,440 is equivalent to the end of day and means there is no time limit on when a message is eligible to be sent. A value of 1,020, for example, means that after 5:00 PM the message is no longer eligible to be sent (17 hours * 60 minutes = 1,020). |
For proximity messages only – the place associated with the geofence that triggered the message/notification, or the place associated with the beacon that triggered the message/notification.
Column | Description |
---|---| | The place’s ID |
place.title | The place’s title. |
place.address | The place’s street name and number. | | The place’s city. |
place.province | The place’s province or state. | | The place’s country. |
place.postal_code | The place’s postal code or zip code. |
place.latitude | The latitude used for the geofence region associated with this place. |
place.longitude | The longitude used for the geofence region associated with this place. |
place.radius | The radius used for the geofence region associated with this place. |
place.tags | Tags associated with this place as setup in the Proximity App. |
place.google_place_id | A Google Place ID associated with this place. A Google Place will automatically be associated if you select one of the Google suggestions when creating a place in the Proximity App. |
place.enabled | Deprecated No longer in use. |
place.shared | Deprecated No longer in use. |
beacon_configurations_count | The number of beacons associated with the place. |
For proximity messages only – the beacon configuration associated with the beacon that triggered the message/notification.
Column | Description |
---|---| | The configuration’s ID. |
configuration.place_id | The ID of the Place associated with the configuration. This will be null if the configuration was not associated with a Place. |
configuration.title | The configuration’s title. |
configuration.uuid | The configuration’s UUID. |
configuration.major_number | The configuration’s major number. |
configuration.minor_number | The configuration’s minor number. |
configuration.tags | Tags that were added to the configuration in the Proximity App. |
configuration.enabled | Deprecated No longer in use. |
configuration.shared | Deprecated No longer in use. |
The device that triggered the event.
Column | Description |
---|---| | A unique device identifier. On iOS this is the value returned from UIDevice.identifierForVendor. On Android this is a UUID generated by the Rover SDK. |
device.token | The token used by APNS or FCM/GCM to sent notifications to the device. |
device.locale_lang | The language portion of device’s current locale as set in the device’s system settings. E.g. “en”. |
device.locale_region | The region dialect portion of device’s current locale as set in the device’s system settings. E.g. “US”. |
device.time_zone | The device’s current time zone. E.g. “America/Toronto” |
device.sdk_version | The version of the Rover SDK the device has installed. E.g. 1.6.2 |
device.platform | A value of “iOS” or “Android” indicates this event was created by a device through the Rover SDK in a native app. A value of “Web” means the event was triggered by a device through a web browser. Currently the only events that can be triggered through a web browser are experience events when viewing a mobile-web version of an experience. |
device.os_name | The name of the operating system the device is running. E.g. “iOS” |
device.os_version | The version of the operating system the device is running. E.g. 11.1.2 |
device.model | The name of the device model. E.g. “iPhone 6 Plus” |
device.manufacturer | The manufacturer of the device. E.g. “Samsung” |
device.carrier | The mobile carrier the device is currently connected to. E.g. “T-Mobile” |
device.app_identifier | The unique identifier of the app the device is running. E.g. “com.example.MyApp” |
device.background_enabled | Deprecated No longer in use. |
device.notifications_enabled | Deprecated Use device.notification_authorization instead. |
device.bluetooth_enabled | Indicates whether the device currently has Bluetooth enabled. |
device.location_monitoring_enabled | Indicates whether location monitoring is enabled. This could be turned off permanently in the system settings or by switching on airplane mode. |
device.aid | The advertising identifier associated with the device. On iOS this is the value returned from advertisingIdentifier. |
device.location.latitude | The latitude of the device’s last known location obtained from a location update. |
device.location.longitude | The longitude of the device’s last known location obtained from a location update. |
device.location.accuracy | The accuracy of the device’s last known location obtained from a location update, measured in metres. |
device.ip | The last known IP address of the device. |
device.notification_authorization | Indicates whether the device has authorized the app to display notifications. |
Deprecated The customer model and all of its columns are deprecated and no longer in use.