User & Identity
SDK Authentication
Requires SDK 4.10.0
When using data integrations with personalization with Rover, such as using ticketing data in an experience data source from
, it is necessary for Rover to securely authenticate the identity of the user according to your backend.
We support this by means of an ID Token provided by your backend's Customer Identification and Access Management (CIAM) system, cryptographically attesting to a user's identity by encoding it as a JSON Web Token (JWT).
Providing a signed JWT ID Token to Rover allows it to securely verify the user's identity, preventing tampering and exposure of user data.
To learn more, see the's introduction.
Server-Side Setup
You will need to generate a key pair on your server, and then use it to generate signed JWT tokens for your users at sign in (and refresh) time. Building and signing tokens can be done using open source libraries.
Generate a Key Pair
First, generate an RSA256 public/private key-pair. The public key will be shared with Rover, and the private key should be stored securely on your backend.
Generate JWT ID Token for the Current User
Second, at user login and token refresh time, generate JWT tokens on your backend, including the ID from your ticketing system (such as Ticketmaster, AXS, SeatGeek, etc.) as a custom claim.
Use an ID Token, not Access Token
Your backend or CIAM system may make an Access Token available. This token is intended for granting the user access to services, including your backend. The Rover platform does not need access to services, and using this token would be an unnecessary security exposure.
Header Fields
Field | Required | Description |
alg | Yes | Algorithm used to sign the token, RS256 recommended. |
typ | Yes | This is always JWT . |
Payload Fields
Field | Required | Description |
sub | Yes | The user's ID from your backend/CIAM system. |
exp | Yes | Expiry time of the token, in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
Rover recommends that an expiry is always used. Static (expiry unspecified) should not be used.
Claims Fields
Add a custom claim for your ticketing system's ID. This is the ID that Rover will use to enable personalization features.
Ticketing System | Claim Key | Notes |
AXS | axsID | |
SeatGeek | seatGeekID | SeatGeek CRM ID. |
Ticketmaster | ticketmasterID |
App-Side Setup
Then, configure the Rover SDK to obtain an ID token for your user whenever it attempts to make an authorized request, such as when an experience data source is attempting to retrieve ticketing data from
, by registering a callback with the Rover SDK, as follows. The callback is asynchronous, so if an operation like token refresh is necessary (e.g. if token is expired, or expiry is imminent), you can do so inline in the request.
Whenever your token is updated (such as at login time, or token refresh time), provide your new ID token to the Rover SDK:
Rover.shared.setSDKAuthorizationIDToken(token: "your-id-token")
Then, at logout time, clear the token:
Then, in order to allow Rover to request a token refresh in the event of an expired or invalid token, register a callback:
Rover.shared.registerTokenRefreshRequestCallback {
// trigger your token refresh here. This should trigger a
// Rover.shared.setSDKAuthorizationIDToken() call.
Rover may pause an in-flight request up to 10 seconds while waiting for an updated token, so it is important to call Rover.shared.setSDKAuthorizationIDToken()
as soon as the token is available.
Whenever your token is updated (such as at login time, or token refresh time), provide your new ID token to the Rover SDK:
Then, at logout time, clear the token:
Then, in order to allow Rover to request a token refresh in the event of an expired or invalid token, register a callback:
Rover.shared.registerSdkAuthorizationIdTokenRefreshCallback {
// trigger your token refresh here. This should trigger a
// Rover.shared.setSdkAuthorizationIdToken() call.
Rover may pause an in-flight request up to 10 seconds while waiting for an updated token, so it is important to call Rover.shared.setSDKAuthorizationIDToken()
as soon as the token is available.
Be aware of the threat model
Do not attempt to generate a token on device; this would circumvent the security model of this system by requiring your private key to be shipped in the app, exposing it to hostile actors. The digital signature on the token prevents credential stuffing with fake ticketing ID claims.
Rover Setup
Finally, provide the public key of the key used to sign your tokens to your Rover account manager, so that Rover can configure your account to verify the authenticity of the JWT tokens coming from the app.